Super delicious plant-based food tour

This bike tour is designed together with Plantier for all food lovers, regardless of food preferences and we hope that you all get to discover something new today. We will visit five amazing plant-based eateries where you will discover plant-based food the best way – by tasting it! Also, in between these visits you will discover other parts of Copenhagen and we will talk about sustainable lifestyle. The tour is approximately 3,5 hour long with a visit in each eatery of around 20-30 minutes. We can’t promise that the bikes are the only ones rolling after the tour ends 😉

The tour starts at Israels Plads by the steps in front of Torvehallerne. Look after you Green Bike Tours green guide, who will be wearing a yellow vest with logo.

79 EUR

Super delicious plant-based food tour


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SKU: The tour starts at Israels Plads by the steps in front of Torvehallerne. Category:

Special offer