#whatson Copenhagen 28 February -1 march
Spring is fast approaching and the first official spring day is this sunday. This should of course be celebrated! Have a lovely weekend in Copenhagen. Remember to share your experiences with us on instagram @greenbiketours and under #whatsoncph
Thursday 27th of feb: Located on the corner of Vester Voldgade and Løngangstræde in Copenhagen is cafe Mambo. Every thursday from 10am till 12 am some climate enthusiasts hosts a climate discussing event. Everyone who is interested in meeting up and having an discussing about our climate are welcome to come and join. The climate discussing cafe is an open cafe where people who are engaged in climate and environement can have a contructive and interesting discussion. The tone and enviroment in the cafe is always postive and friendly with no written down agenda or referat. If this sounds like something for you, read more here:
Saturday 29th of feb: Vintage social salon at Absalons. The old church Absalon, which is located at Vesterbro, hosts a lovely vintagemarket called Vintage social salon. The event is free to enter and takes place from 10am to 3pm this saturday. Besides the possibility of making a vintage found in the market, Absalons also provides a cozy setting for enjoying a refreshment, which you are able to buy at the location. To read more:
Sunday 1th march: Ritas blå lopper. The first offical spring day of course calls for browsing around Copenhagen looking at fleamarkets. Copenhagen offers numerous good fleamarkets, and one of the copenhageners favorite, is Ritas blå lopper. The indoor market is located in the center of Copenhagen at Kulturhuset indre by. The entrance is free of charge and maybe you will be able some new (old) clothes to prepare yourself for the wonderful spring times ahead! To read more:
Fotocredit: Ritas blå lopper facebook